Challenge | WithLoveTiff♥
This morning I have been doing a lot of research and planning into trying to make my blog more interesting without just writing reviews. I have found 2 challenges which I am going to be taking part in, one of them will be up every Friday and the other will be up every Tuesday. I have written a daily schedule on what I would like to get done every day of the week. They are as follows;
♥Monday’s – Tags – Just so you get to know a little bit more about me and I actually have written a Tag for each Monday up until the middle of April, I will be making changes before I upload them though as things change but they are all scheduled.
♥Tuesday’s – 52 Week Challenge (Photography) – This is a weekly challenge which I will joining in with.
♥Wednesday’s – A Day In The Life – This is basically on Wednesday’s I will take my camera everywhere I go and I will take lots of pictures of what I get up to.
♥Thursday’s – Throwback Thursday – Every Thursday I will be adding old photos that I come across and I shall share them with you on here and on Instagram.
♥Friday’s – 52 Week Blogging Challenge – This is another 52 week challenge which I will be joining in with this one and the other one are totally different.
♥Saturday’s – Pointless Book – I will be doing a couple of pages a week up until I complete the book started by Alfie Deyes and finished by me.
♥Sunday’s – Wreck It Journal – Pretty similar to the last post but will just be different pages as they’re 2 completely different books.
So that is my schedule for every week, some things may be late and it is a challenge within itself to try and stick to it. Reviews will also go up by along with what is happening on the day.
Thank You for reading!