
Five Ways To Quit Smoking As A Long-Time Smoker


To quit smoking as a long-time smoker, you’ll need some helpful tips that give you the best chance of stomping down on the habit for good. Here are five ways to quit smoking as a long-time smoker.


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Gear yourself up

To help ensure you quit this time, it’s important to get into the mindset of a non-smoker. Gearing yourself up for the big occasion is important because it’s going to help stay focused during those key points in the quitting process that are the toughest.


Consider noting down all the reasons you’d like to quit so that you’ve got something to work towards. Having significant reasons to quit, for example, seeing your kids grow up, is going to be all the emotional guilt-tripping you’d need to refrain from smoking ever again.

Rid any remaining packs of cigarettes

In order to help prevent smoking, it’s a good opportunity to rid yourself of any remaining cigarettes or packets for that matter. There’s nothing worse than trying to quit and seeing the very thing tempting you to start up again, within your own home or in the drawer of your office desk at work.


Be sure to get rid of any and all remaining cigarette packets before starting the non-smoking lifestyle. It’s going to help keep the cravings at bay and more importantly, will help curb any temptations to pick a cigarette back up again.

Consider alternative nicotine options

There are some alternatives to smoking that supply the much-needed nicotine rush that smokers crave. Nicotine patches and gum are just two examples of this. However, a growing popularity for many smokers who’ve transitioned is vaping.


Vaping is considered a healthier alternative to smoking and is helpful for those who are looking to quit the bad habit of smoking. Brands like Slushie showcase just how versatile vaping can be and how enjoyable the flavours are in comparison to traditional cigarettes.

Cut out triggers

Triggers are a problem. They can put you back onto that slippery slope of smoking again, which for many, is avoidable. These triggers likely come from somewhere whether it’s a physical or mental trigger. For example, you might have work colleagues who smoke and encourage you to come out for a cigarette.


Inform those colleagues that you’re quitting and to not tempt you outside for a cigarette.

Keep yourself busy

When it comes to quitting smoking, be sure to keep yourself busy. This is going to help greatly because there’s nothing worse than trying to quit smoking and finding yourself stuck for things to do on those days when it’s proving difficult to avoid a cigarette.


Quitting smoking is a monumental achievement so be kind to yourself and take each day as it comes.





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