What We’ve bought our Daughter for Christmas 🎄
Christmas in October you may ask…
I have always been one to start buying early August/September, I like to think that I have my life together, when In fact I really don’t at all.
Christmas is an expensive time of year for us, and I expect it is for most of you too. I have a large family who I am incredibly close to so I like to make sure I get meaningful gifts for them rather than just buy vouchers or give money. (Upcoming post on family gifts soon)
Since I gave birth on 20th January 2020, Christmas has been that little bit extra special, everything we do is for our daughter. It’s really given Christmas a different meaning and I’ve always been an over the top Christmas fan but I just LOVE everything about it especially the build up.
so today I thought I’d pop a quick post up on a selection of what we have bought our daughter so far. She will be 2 in January so we try buy some age appropriate toys and then some that are for a little bit older so she still has toys as she’s growing and developing.
Our daughter absolutely loves Elmo and I cannot wait to show her him 🥺 I’m so so excited as I know she will just love him. I have also bought some figurines some not pictured as she has some bing ones and she carry’s them EVERYWHERE, she doesn’t actually even watch bing but she loves him. Ben and Holly are one of her favourites, I’ve been trying to find Holly but I cannot find her anywhere at the moment. I can’t wait for her to play with the stickle bricks, they were such a throwback and I hope that she will love them as much as I’ve loved shopping for them. (I may be a huge shopping addict). She has some other bits and bobs that are not pictured but I will make sure to pop a post up just after Christmas with her little Christmas Haul and some pictures of our day!
Keep your eyes peeled for Autumn and Christmas Posts, including lots of hauls! we’ve got a Photoshoot booked in very soon and lots of other fun things to be posting! Oh and don’t forget Blogmas a whole 25 days of Christmassy Fun!
as always,
With Love Tiff X