
6 Habits to Quit in 2022

Who doesn’t want to live a healthier, happier life? We hold ourselves back from achieving our goals and realising our greatest potential in many ways. Here are six habits that you should quit in the new year. This article will teach you how to be your best self in 2022 and keep these habits for life.

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Smoking is one of the most damaging habits that you can have. Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 different chemicals and more than 70 carcinogens. Smoking affects your health and the health of people around you. Switch to vaping if you find you are struggling to give up smoking. Not all vape juice has nicotine and can be a better alternative to smoking.


Neglecting Sleep

You should always prioritise sleep. Getting the right amount of sleep can positively affect your mood and physical health. Sleep deprivation has increased the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Plus, it can lead to weight gain, anxiety and lower productivity.


Focusing on The Negatives

One of the most common things we do is dwell on the negatives. Whether it be ourselves or others, it’s easy for us to be self-deprecating and criticise others. It’s even easier when we’re constantly bombarded with negativity through social media.


It’s good to be critical at times, but when you’re crucial all the time, you start to lose your sense of self and happiness. When you’re always focusing on what’s wrong instead of what’s right, it can cause you to feel down on yourself and create a negative attitude towards the world around you. You’ll have more bad days than good ones and never see any progress in life.


Never Saying No

It’s okay to say no sometimes. Saying “yes” all the time makes it challenging to accomplish your goals. Reaching your goals requires energy, and it can be hard to find that energy when we are constantly giving ourselves away.


Saying yes to everything takes its toll on everyone involved in the process because it creates tension and conflict. Saying “no” shows a certain level of self-respect and maturity. It lets others know that you have boundaries, too.


Beating Yourself Up If You Don’t Eat Healthily All The Time

To be your best self in 2022, you should quit the habit of beating yourself up. You deserve a break, and it’s natural to want to make lifestyle changes.


Almost everyone struggles with their health at some point in life. Whether it’s weight loss or eating healthy, everyone has dealt with situations where they don’t eat as healthy as they should. Yes, it might not always be easy to maintain your ideal weight or eat ideally every day, but that’s why you shouldn’t beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. Nobody is perfect all of the time, and we all deserve a break now and then to enjoy life and have fun.


Mindless Scrolling On Social Media

If you’ve ever been scrolling on social media and suddenly realise it’s been three hours, then you know the danger of mindless scrolling. A recent study found that the average American spends over two hours a day browsing social media. That’s two hours per day that could be spent adding value to your life or, more importantly, spending time with friends and family.

Digital detoxes are becoming more prevalent in our society as people recognize the adverse effects of technology. With so many studies showing how social media is impacting our mental health, it would be wise to put down your phone for a few minutes – or even an hour – at a time throughout the day



**this is a collaborative post


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