Butlins Skegness | May 2022
Are you ready to butlins?
We absolutely was.
We left for butlins on the 16th May THREE days after we booked! This is probably the most last minute spontaneous thing I have ever done! So I actually booked to go to Butlins on the 14th May at 10pm, I had work all day on the 15th which gave me only the 16th to pack for all 3 of us.
The Skegness resort is around 3 hours away from us and was the first ever Butlins resort which all started in 1936.
We actually only booked a Silver Room as a base. Mainly because we decided to add on the Food Court Dining Plan.
It was actually perfect for the three of us, we didn’t spend hardly any time in there as we booked Monday to Friday and wanted to make the most out of the holiday, the best we could.
The room was actually really lovely and clean, the only problem we had was that it was on the first floor so we had to carry the stroller up and down the stairs all the time but wasn’t so much of an issue, we wasn’t able to pay the extra £15 to be ground floor due to booking so close, which I can completely understand and they were probably sold out.
We only actually paid £80 for this room last minute which I thought was an absolute steal.
We arrived on the Monday around 1pm and was allowed on site straight away.
We immediately got out and scouted out where our accommodation was and then took a long walk to stretch out our legs and of course we had to wait until 4pm for check-in which is the standard unless you are a premier member or book a certain accommodation then you are able to check in at 3pm.
We took a walk to the beach and walked around the resort to see what was about.
I went as a child probably around 12 years ago, so obviously some things have changed since then.
it is also nice to see that some things haven’t changed and the atmosphere is still the same as I was a child.
After we had a little snoop around and was able to check-in to our room, we took our suitcase in and headed down for dinner.
We chose Food Court dining this time around, however there is Premium Dining Plan, Dine-around Plan and of course self-catering.
There are certain restaurants for the plans, our restaurant was Coral Beach. The premium dining plan has the choice of two restaurants, The Deck and The Yacht. Dine-around plan allows you to eat in some of the other restaurants such as Ludos Itailian, The beachcomber Inn, Firehouse grill, Rock & Sole and The Diner.
There are also two supermarkets on resort one as you’re walking towards the fairground and one in the pavilion which is handy for snacks and drinks or even for a quick small lunch between breakfast and dinner.
Our plan included Breakfast where we could eat anytime between 8am and 10.30am and Dinner where we could go anytime between 4.30pm and 7.30pm
I have no complaints about the food whatsoever, there was a fantastic variety of different foods and even managed to find something every single day for our fussy toddler.
We was actually surprised that the first night we went for dinner, PJ Masks came in and my daughter got to meet them. It was so magical for my daughter and she was so excited and what a lovely touch that was on our first night.
We paid an extra £166 for this meal plan for 3 people which really isn’t that bad at all.
As some people may know if you’ve been to butlins before, more recently, you can download their app.
on the app you are able to see free-flow activities which means you do not have to book and so you can just turn up. There is also a section where there are bookable activities, these are limited but what I did not realise is that there is infact a booked and a non booked queue at the venues so even if you haven’t booked you still may be able to get in.
We had only booked two activities, booking so close to the time that we were staying limited us to what we could book as a lot had already been booked out, as you are able to book for activities 2 weeks before you go.
We booked Peppa Pigs Seaside adventure and Softplay.
Which Phoebe absolutely loved and it’s lovely to see her enjoy something I did as a child and be able to give her the same memories I did.
There is so much to do around Butlins, and we tried to make the most out of everything, the only thing we didn’t do which I wish we had was go to Centre Stage to watch the pantomime.
We went swimming on the Wednesday and Thursday and even managed to get a photo of all 3 of us, which was a lovely little touch, we absolutely love that the swimming pool has different sections and I would love to have a swimming pool like this near home as it is really lovely.
There are two arcades which both are really lovely and there is plenty of different machines and even some rides too which Phoebe of course loves.
which brings me on to mention the Fairground rides, they have a lovely ‘Little Stars’ under 5’s fairground section. We went here everyday and Phoebe was able to go on every ride, I was a little worried whether she would try and climb out going on her own but she was so good and enjoyed the rides so much and even when we got home she was asking to go on the tea cups and took a little while for her to realise we wasn’t on holiday anymore.
Me and Jamie even got in with the fun in the main fairground rides by going on the waltzers and I also went on the Mexican hat with my mum. The Three of us even went on the carousel in a carriage.
We also took Phoebe to the park next to the fairground rides which she also enjoyed.
We went to the beach on the Tuesday morning and it was so hot, we got really lucky with the weather and the weather was lovely all week apart from the Thursday where it had rained a little bit but it was nice to get a bit of rain after the heat.
On the walk back from the beach we stopped off at the Scoop shop and had each had an ice cream, Phoebe had Chocolate, Jamie had Cookie and I had Peanutella. They were absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to have another!
We also managed to queue up to have a photo with Peppa and George, Phoebe wasnt keen on going herself so of course mummy had to have a picture with Peppa and George too!
We did also get in line to have a photo with Rainbow the dog from the skyline gang but unfortunately as we waiting in the queue Phoebe had fallen asleep, so we took her back to the room to have a little nap ready for the evening entertainment.
There is a little room for children to do crafts but we didn’t get to go there and we also tried phoebe with the puppet show but she didn’t like it.
I have probably missed quite a few things that you were able to go to.
I liked that there is an additional venue now which was where the Peppa pig show was and also an Ed Sheeran show too!
We went to the reds every evening and also went to the pavilion to watch the skyline gang and to watch Bonnie & Billy’s wake up and go in the mornings.
One thing Phoebe absolutely loved was the tots disco at 6pm at the pavilion.
There was so much to do but you definitely have to plan your days to avoid feeling like you’re wasting your time wandering around.
Overall I have always been a butlins fan and I am even more so now Phoebe has experienced it and how happy she was.
We have actually booked to come back May 2023, with Premium dining as we wanted to try something a little different and this time I will be a bit more prepared and we of course get to experience the new Sky play park and the new fairground rides which is exciting!
Have you been to Butlins before? I’d love to hear your experiences too!
I’ve added a highlight to my Instagram for all of our butlins photos, so please do go check that out if you’re interested.
as always
With Love Tiff x