Guess who’s back…update
I don’t even know where to start…
it’s been two whole years!
I cannot believe that ive left it two years to blog again and for once I don’t actually have an excuse. I wouldn’t really want to write a whole post apologising because its not something everyone wants to read anyway but I thought id do a long story short to keep you all in the ‘know’ and update you.
so since October 2016 I have found a job. I work as a Customer Asisstant in retail. I have been there nearly two years.
February 2017 I took on the position of Community Champion which I absolutely love, I get to work with the community and help out charities which is one of the main reasons i love my job.
I met my boyfriend June 2017 and February this year i stepped into the ‘adult world’ once again but properly. by properly i mean you know all those bills and the endless amount of debt.
June this year I bought my two cats Jasper and Tigger and I would not be without them now. (Find out more about them on ‘about me’ section)
Now we are pretty much up to date with what happened in my missing two years, I hope that eventually i will start to progress again.
So thats my update on my life. As you might be able to tell I have a new blog design, layout and logo. I am hoping it will motivate me to write a lot more posts from now on and I can go back to how I used to be!
One Comment
Rachel Simons
Welcome back xx