Ever since I moved into my new home, I have been completely obsessed with home decor and making my house feel a ‘Home’. Being our first home and smallish. I knew I couldn’t go all out and get a vanity and lots of furniture because of the size of our house. So I stuck to buying LOTS of home decor items. It doesn’t matter what shop I go to, I’ll be looking for the home section.
I can’t say that I was never interested in home decor before, but just a lot more now I have a reason to buy it. As it is quite difficult when you only have one bedroom to buy for. You often find, The little things are what make the home. I used to have fairy lights on my stairs but the cats thought it was a great opportunity to rip them down, as well as my curtains. (Brilliant, thank you)!
I LOVE candles, candles are my go to, however, I NEVER light them because of my cats, so they just sit there looking pretty. But I have recently started buying different diffusers.
I have picture frames up in my front room, with one wall in the style of ‘shabby chic’. Shabby chic is a lovely style and it certainly makes my house feel like a home. When I have people come to visit it’s the first thing they notice and comment on. Photo frames are always a win in my house I have one with mine and my boyfriends’ initials and names as it makes it feel homely as well as little quotes and a canvas which I need to change soon as I feel it does not really fit in with the style of the room.
Cushions! I love cushions I have bought 6 different sets since living here and I’ve only been here for 8 months! I like to change the cushions once in a while as I find they change shape and look quite scruffy. Along with cushions I have quite a few throws as it gets quite cold here so it always makes me feel snuggled in the winter.
My boyfriend always comments on how I buy really random stuff that I don’t really need. My workplace often reduces home and kitchen items. I’m always the first to spot a bargain. I love the bargains! I usually go and raid the clearance sections and reduced. Constantly come home with something I don’t really need usually lap trays, candles, picture frames, sweet bowls, biscuit tins, knives, plates all sorts. Honestly, if I have the money I will spend it!
I am also waiting to buy the cats’ one of the cupboard litter trays to make my home look a little nicer. Do I really need it? Probably not!
I also adore little artificial plants and ornaments that say home, love or bath; I’ve always been one of those people who would like everything to match. Originally I would have liked my front room to be grey and white, but I ended up getting black furniture. In the kitchen I wanted white and copper but I ended up buying black toaster, kettle and microwave so it doesn’t always go to plan, unfortunately.
I am completely obsessed with my home and being house proud so you can guarantee you will see a lot more posts to do with my home and how I’m decorating it etc. Keep your eyes peeled for a blog post to do with moving out and what I found helped.

Chloe Chats
Hey, glad you’re back! 🙂
I was the exact same when I moved out into my own place, my favourite thing now is to go into shops that have home sections and most of the time I just want everything! Although similar to you I know I can’t fit everything in my house so I do have to be quite choosy!
Chloe x
I loved reading this post! I also LOVE cushions!
Leah x
Lydia Knox
When I moved I became obsessed with DIY projects, so I know the feeling. I have so many pillows on my couch and candles around. I love decor tips can’t wait to see how you decorate.