All about me
So as I am back I thought I should do an ‘all about me’ post. Two years can change a lot of people and for me, I think it has. The most important thing for me is to connect with people, and how can I connect with them if they don’t know who’s behind my random posts?
I am Tiffany better known as Tiff. The only time someone says my full name is when I’ve probably done something bad. The younger family members, however, like to call me ‘Tiffy’. I am 21 and I live in Suffolk. I cannot believe that I am 21 I still sit here and think back when I was at school and it most certainly doesn’t feel 5 years ago! To my despair, I actually found my first ever grey hair this year. sad times.
I have studied many different fields in college, including childcare, health, and social care and my personal favorite Business. I had to sort of shift my way through courses because I was so unsure what I wanted to do/be. It was so difficult because I didn’t feel as if I was quite ready for this step in my life, nevertheless, I carried on. I completed my first year of Business and I felt it just clicked it was something I wanted to be something I felt good at. I started the next level but unfortunately ‘things’ got the better of me. I don’t really want to go into too much detail but I ended up leaving. Sometimes I do regret my decision as who knows what I would be doing now? but on the other hand, I adore my job now and although I don’t want to be here forever, this is where I met my boyfriend. I certainly wouldn’t change that for the world!
I now work in retail, not any retail…supermarket retail. I started in February 2017, it’s quite a daunting experience when you first start but you eventually get used to it. I do adore my job, it sounds so silly but my role is very rewarding.
Anyhow I met my boyfriend in April 2017 (at work) we were ‘just friends’ to begin with but we would spend a lot of time together. By June 2017 we made it ‘official’.
Fast forward to now we have been together for just over a year and still very happy. We decided to take the leap 8 months into our relationship and rent our first home. It has taken a lot of hard work, determination, and stress but we finally feel settled.
June of this year I celebrated my 21st birthday, I decided that now we were settled and very happy it would be time to introduce a pet into our family. After a lot of searching, I found this beautiful little kitten, I instantly fell in love with him. So there I went messaging asking to go and visit him.
I went to visit and I just saw this little timid shy cat looking at me, he was so beautiful and I wanted him instantly, as we went to take him home the owner said she didn’t really want him to be separated from his brother (who was also very gorgeous) and asked if we would consider taking him as well, obviously we couldn’t say no and off we went with two little kittens.
The owners before us had already named them Jasper and Tigger so we kept their names. Luckily they settled in very well and we absolutely adore them and I couldn’t be without them now. They grow so fast it’s unreal!
I hope that gave you a little more insight on me and my life and you enjoyed this post!

One Comment
I really enjoyed reading your post, it’s nice to learn a little about the people behind the post. I also work in retail and have done now for 17yrs 😊