MiracleSuit Swimwear Review | WithLoveTiff♥
Today I thought I would do something a little bit different. A little bit out of my comfort zone. A Couple of weeks ago I got offered the chance to review a Miraclesuit, I received it in the post and I was really nervous about taking the pictures for my blog and for all of you to see as I do not have the perfect body and at times I am very self conscious. After trying it on I decided to take some pictures so I could get it up on my blog. I actually LOVE this swimming costume.
Miraclesuit claim to ‘look 10lb lighter in 10 seconds’ This I can absolutely agree with. I am loving my swimming costume and I have been swimming and hopefully when I eventually go on holiday I can use it there too. You definitely need a miracle if you’re like me and cant stop snacking on silly things. That is where this Miraclesuit comes in, It takes 10 seconds to put it on and then you look 10lb lighter.
When I took it out of the packaging I loved the patterns and colours of it. It is a mixture of yellow, greens, blues, blacks and pinks. It is a beautiful swimming costume and I could not wait to try it on. This swimming costume in particular is called Oceanus Tropical Thunder, and you could understand why.
When I tried it on for the first time I fell in love with it, quite literally. It made me look slimmer and it shaped my body. I feel that that colours really suit me as well. It has a cross over design which is suppose to create an illusion of a flat stomach, the cross over and the top gives you just enough cleavage but not too much, it makes it look flattering if you like. It shapes, hugs, firms and slims the body giving you a really nice figure.
I am so happy I got the chance to review this because I really needed a new swimming costume and I managed to get one where I do not feel so self conscious too!
You can find Micraclesuit swimwear here between £90 – £120
Hope you enjoyed reading my post.
*Disclaimer; I was gifted this item in exchange for this post. All opinions and thoughts are my own and have not been influenced in any way.

One Comment
UK Swimwear
Hi Tiff,
We’ve found your blog from Patricia Eve’s Facebook. We wanted to say hello. It’s a lovely post and that Miraclesuit Swimsuit really suits you. We’re going to share this post with our followers!
UK Swimwear