Bella&Bear Paddle Bear Brush Review | WithLoveTiff♥
I had the opportunity to review ‘The Bear Brush’ by Bella and Bear. Whilst I was waiting to receive it I did my research to see what it was all about. I can tell you now that I shouldn’t have done my research as all I heard was excellent reviews. I am not saying that it was bad hearing excellent reviews but I was so impatient waiting for it. Knowing that I had read so many good reviews I could not wait to receive it and I was way too excited.
When I had finally received this brush I eagerly opened the package. The box it was standing it was so pretty and It is definitely me and something I would choose because of the packaging. Forgetting about the actual brush inside the packaging I studied it for quite a while it was just really pretty. What I love about the packaging as well as the pretty design is that it is completely recyclable although I can’t quite get myself to throw the packaging away because it is pretty (I know sounds silly).
On the front of the box it says an inspiring quote or phrase if you like, stating ‘People will stare, make it worth their while’ I love the fact they have incorporated this within their product because I absolutely agree! You will be walking down a street or into college/school anywhere you go and it is almost guaranteed that someone will be staring at you so why not make it worth their while? There is nothing worse than having bed head and it is all knotty and tangled or even having one of those days where however much you brush your hair it just does not look brushed.
On the back of the box it has a ‘scan this to join the VIP Club’ I love these because I think it makes the buyer feel a little bit more involved. I have not yet joined the VIP club but I definitely will be after using this product. It then goes on to say ‘The ultimate paddle brush will take you from bed head to BEAUTIFUL’ I can completely back this up, I really could not agree more. I absolutely love this brush It has taken ahead of my other brushes by far. I often get bed head (well all the time) I wriggle and flip and flap and move around so much in my sleep, I try to go to bed with my hair up but whenever I wake up my hairband is nowhere to be seen and my hair is down and I ultimately have bed head. Since using this hairbrush I no longer have bed head for very long because it is so easy to get through my thick and matted hair as I like to call it, its more tangle than matted.
There is also on the back of the box a money back guarantee graphic. I think this makes buying a product more worthwhile because you often buy a product and then get home to decide you really do not like it. I think it happens to the best of us, but with the money back guarantee, if you decide to buy this brush and it doesn’t work for you, you can always return it.
There is also another really inspiring quote which indicates ‘your life might not be perfect but make sure your hair is, and lets face it, that’s what really counts!’ This is such a beautiful quote because none of us have a perfect life but we can put effort into making our hair look nice and at least brushing it right? I personally think that your hair defines you and your face because I look completely different with my hair up then say I do with my hair down or hair half up and half down and with or without my baby hairs/side hairs sticking out.
The Bear Brush also specify that it:
♥1 – Detangles longer lengths
♥2 – Non static
♥3 – Sleek and straight blow dry
♥4 – Bobbed Bristles prevents damage
♥5 – Air cushioned base for comfort
♥6 – Also great for massaging scalp
Without a doubt I 100% agree with all 6 of these. My hair feels so much nicer once using this brush. My hair is always knotty and I explained up above and I also have quite thick hair and It certainly detangles my hair. I do also have the problem of my hair going static after brushing it but my hair never goes static when using this hairbrush. It is like magic! I have only used it a couple of times whilst blow drying my hair but I used it the other day and I did not even need to straighten my hair because It was already quite straight. It feels nice on my head unlike others because some scratch my head but I definitely understand why they said it is great for massaging your scalp.
The brush itself is beautifully patterned with flowers and white polka dots. It is definitely very girly and It also has 2 cats on it with their tails making a love heart as It is Bella and Bears Logo but It is so cute and pretty, I LOVE it. It is absolutely gorgeous and I love the vintage floral design too! It looks really nice on my desk next to all my make-up and it has a wonderful ‘pop’ to it as well. I really LOVE this brush and I like to look at it too. I have been taking it to college and it has a well deserved space in my bag even though my bag is small. I often catch myself looking in my bag at it. It is also really light which I love because it is easy to carry around in my handbag and I take it everywhere I go now. I have loved reviewing this product as I think it is truly amazing. I am so so so happy with it.
I would 100% recommend this to anyone. 5/5 stars.
If you would like to buy this product please click here
Have you tried this brush before or any other products in the range? Let me know down below.
*Disclaimer; I was gifted this item in exchange for this post. All opinions and thoughts are my own and have not been influenced in any way.