• Day 19 – Day 48 | 365 Project | WithLoveTiff

    Today I thought was the day that I finally update my 365 Project. I’ve missed so many posts but I still have been taking the pictures I just haven’t got round to posting them. I have been so busy with assignments and college and being ill that I just haven’t done it but I am going to try and post everyday from now. Here Is the Week Commencing 19th January     Week Commencing 26th January   Week Commencing 2nd February Week Commencing 9th February 17th February (Yesterday)   Yesterday I spent the day with my mum scrubbing the walls as because it is an outhouse it tends to grow mold…

  • Natural Collection Review | WithLoveTiff♥

    A couple of weeks ago I got a wonderful opportunity to review some make-up products from Natural Collection. I waited in to get my package as I knew it was gonna come at some point and when I finally got the package I was SO excited. I opened up the envelope to find some make-up wipes and 2 lip tints. I got really anxious to try them as they looked so good, I wanted to do my make-up right then and there and then take it off again (because of the wipes). I love trying new things especially when it comes to make-up and skincare because I like to see…

  • Skin Care |WithLoveTiff

    I found myself sorting (more like tidying) my room this week, I was sorting through my desk more than anything because I am getting rid of it and I went through all my make-up and my skin care products. I was sorting through them and even after getting rid of LOADS I still managed to have so many to find storage for. I didn’t even know I had so many as some were in draws some were in boxes and some were just on top of my desk. So I thought I would share with you my Skin Care Products, some of them I haven’t used but some of them…

  • Liebster Award 2015

      I was very chuffed to see that I was nominated for the Liebster Award by AmzellBeautyxo, she has an amazing beauty blog so go and check that out. It has taken me a long time to get this post uploaded but it is finally here. We all know that when you start a new blog it is very hard to get high blog stats and followers and views, We also all know how it feels when we look and there are between 5-10 views. I personally take a lot of my time and hard work to post good posts that everyone is waiting for and enjoys reading, I appreciate…

  • Very Small Haul

    Im back once again with another haul and I also have one to upload tomorrow which is exciting. Most of these items came from New Look. So lets get started. I had been searching for some new clothes for a while it always seems to happen to me ill sit down and find a hole in my leggings, thinking where did that come from?, and then ill do the washing to find out that ive either put on weight or shrunk my top, #GIRLPROBLEMS so anyway, I went shopping on my own in my little town. First I went to New Look and saw there was a sale so I was…

  • Christmas Haul 2014 | WithLoveTiff

    I know this is quite late, well VERY late!, but I thought I would share with you all those lovely gifts I got and do a Christmas 2014 Haul. Before I start I just want to say I am not bragging in anyway and I am extremely greatful for everything I did get. I just wanted to post this because I have seen it be VERY popular on other blogs and its what a lot of people request. The first thing I opened was my stocking, It was a pre-filled stocking so it was quite a surprise for everyone. Stocking; ♥Suduko Loo Roll ♥Perpetual Spinner ♥Bell ♥Tissues ♥Property of Mr.…