• Blogmas Day 1-11

    So… I’ve missed over a weeks full of blogmas… I have no excuse at all apart from working. But from now I will be uploading daily. I have so many different post ideas and I can’t wait to share them all with you. Christmas is my favourite time of year and I am forever watching Vlogmas videos and reading blogmas posts! This is a very short quick post but just letting you know I am here and I am planning many different posts! Please look out for my different content! -xo

  • Guess who’s back…update

    I don’t even know where to start… it’s been two whole years! I cannot believe that ive left it two years to blog again and for once I don’t actually have an excuse. I wouldn’t really want to write a whole post apologising because its not something everyone wants to read anyway but I thought id do a long story short to keep you all in the ‘know’ and update you. so since October 2016 I have found a job. I work as a Customer Asisstant in retail. I have been there nearly two years. February 2017 I took on the position of Community Champion which I absolutely love, I…

  • Christmas Haul 2014 | WithLoveTiff

    I know this is quite late, well VERY late!, but I thought I would share with you all those lovely gifts I got and do a Christmas 2014 Haul. Before I start I just want to say I am not bragging in anyway and I am extremely greatful for everything I did get. I just wanted to post this because I have seen it be VERY popular on other blogs and its what a lot of people request. The first thing I opened was my stocking, It was a pre-filled stocking so it was quite a surprise for everyone. Stocking; ♥Suduko Loo Roll ♥Perpetual Spinner ♥Bell ♥Tissues ♥Property of Mr.…

  • 5 Things I Love About Christmas (and you will too)

      Today I was racking my brains thinking what I can blog about. It took me a VERY long time to think of something interesting and something short and simple. So here it is 5 Things I love about Christmas. Before I start I want to share with you the first thing that confirms to me that it is nearly Christmas and hopefully you all know what I am talking about… COCA-COLA ADVERT. This advert confirms completely to me that it is nearly Christmas and I should start getting festive RIGHT NOW. So now I’ve told you that, let’s start. Number one; We all love movies right? especially Christmas ones.…

  • My Top 4 DIY Cute Little Christmas Gifts.

    To get in the mood for Christmas. I thought I’d write a post on my own top 4 cute Christmas gifts. I found all my inspiration on pintrest and it took me a while to choose the best ones because they’re loads to choose from. Number 1 is not so much a present but it is a card. I think it is a fantastic idea, using each one of your family’s thumbs or fingers to make a print and make a reindeer out of it how cute is it though? all you need is: ♥ Paper/Card ♥ Black Pen ♥ Brown Paint ♥ Red Pen/Red bead Number 2 is this…