• Guess who’s back…update

    I don’t even know where to start… it’s been two whole years! I cannot believe that ive left it two years to blog again and for once I don’t actually have an excuse. I wouldn’t really want to write a whole post apologising because its not something everyone wants to read anyway but I thought id do a long story short to keep you all in the ‘know’ and update you. so since October 2016 I have found a job. I work as a Customer Asisstant in retail. I have been there nearly two years. February 2017 I took on the position of Community Champion which I absolutely love, I…

  • Transform Infographic | WithLoveTiff♥

        For Transform’s 40th Birthday, They decided to look back on the ‘history’ of brows, if you like and how they have changed. Personally I think eyebrows create the face and define the face also. Some people have big bold brows and some people have thin skinny eyebrows and the shape of your eyebrows and alter the face. Transform undertake eyebrow transplants so if you want to take a look, click here. The infographic shows the difference in eyebrows over the years, It goes from the 70’s Dolly Parton, Which were natural but with balls at the beginning. Going into the 80’s It was Madonna and they were full,…