How And Why You Should Be Keeping More Of Your Money
Does it feel like your money flies out of your bank account a little too quickly? Just as soon as you’ve gotten paid your next paycheck, it seems like it’s all gone again. While, of course, we all have expenses to keep up with, there’s a good chance that you don’t need to be paying quite as much as you do, and you can really benefit from making an effort to save more. Here, we’re going to look at how to keep more of your money, and why it’s worth it. Image – CC0 License Set yourself a budget The very first thing that you should do is to…
10 Lifestyle Investments You Need to Make Now
There are many things in life that we put off until tomorrow. We promise ourselves that we will start our diet or exercise regime tomorrow, or that we will save money for a rainy day. However, oftentimes tomorrow never comes. If you want to improve your lifestyle, you need to start making investments today. Here are 10 lifestyle investments you should make now! Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash Invest in Yourself Take time to focus on your own wellbeing – attend yoga classes, get a massage, or take a few days off work and go on a mini-vacation. Investing in yourself gives you the opportunity to refocus and…
Business Games
If you know me, you know I love a good game. As you’ve seen before on my blog I have played many games and I love sharing with all of you! Having a child myself I find it so important to find games that are educational but also relate to the real world. Especially when it comes to finance, saving money, paying for items and buying a house, going to a supermarket and all those things that they will do when they are older that is going to help them. I came across a game section on Mortgage Calculator and I think it is absolutely fantastic! They have such a…
Saving Money in 2023
Being extra careful with money is on a lot of people’s minds right now. And With the current cost of living crisis everyone is trying to be a little bit more savvy when it comes to spending money, putting the heating on and even down to spending less on the food shop. I think that I’m right when saying that money has really impacted a lot of people and their families over the past year and especially since COVID. I know it has me and many of my friends and family. I have had a look round as my New Year’s resolution was to be better with my money and…
How To Manage Your Christmas Responsibilities As A Parent (And Ensure The Kids Are Happy)
Managing your children, the wrapping, the cooking, and the organizing throughout the Christmas period can be challenging. Whether or not you have help, it can be a lot to tackle all of the responsibilities at once. However, there are ways to manage your children, so your load doesn’t feel so heavy. Having the children off at Christmas is lovely. It is the perfect opportunity to spend more time with them while they are off school. However, getting things done before the big day might be difficult. So, if you are a parent looking for ways to manage your children and ensure they are happy and healthy during Christmas, here…
Five Ways To Quit Smoking As A Long-Time Smoker
As a long-time smoker, quitting can often feel like a pipe dream. You may have had hopes to do so before but that may have been short-lived. Quitting any habit is challenging, especially when it’s become addictive. Just saying no to it is not as easy as it seems. To quit smoking as a long-time smoker, you’ll need some helpful tips that give you the best chance of stomping down on the habit for good. Here are five ways to quit smoking as a long-time smoker. Image Source Gear yourself up To help ensure you quit this time, it’s important to get into the mindset of a non-smoker.…