About Me TAG | WithLoveTiff♥
I see many tags on YouTube video’s and I know they are not exactly for a blog but I saw this on another blog and I thought I would answer the questions so you can learn a little bit more about me and who I am. From now I have decided every Monday I will upload a tag post which is just me answering questions.
1.Do you have a middle name? Yes I do it is Rebekah.
2. What was your favourite subject in school? My favourite subject in must have been either Media Studies Or ICT, they were just a plain laugh.
3. What’s your favourite drink? Fizzy drink I would say Dr Pepper, My favourite juice is cranberry juice atm I LOVE IT.
4. Favourite song at the moment? I have been listening to ‘What I Did For Love’ by David Guetta Ft. Emeli Sande.
5. What would you name your children? I have always loved the name India or Darcie for a girl and for a boy Ive always liked the name Joshua but It is a long way off and I’m not sure if ill call my children those names when it comes down to it.
6. Do you participate in any sports? No way i’m not sporty at ALL
7. Favourite Book? I do not really have a favourite book but last year I read a book called ‘Lost In Vegas’ by Pat Amsden and I really really enjoyed it.
8. Favourite Colour? I love pink and turquiose (obviously not together though)
9. Favourite Animal? A Koala, I have stuck by this since I was little.
10. Favourite perfume? I have not really had a lot of perfumes but I love my Joey Essex Perfume.
11. Favourite holiday? I have never been on holiday:( but if these are american questions my favourite Holiday is probably Christmas.
12. Have you graduated High School? I left school in 2013. Nearly 2 years ago.
13. Have you been out of the Country? Nope:( sad times
14. Do you speak any other Languages? I studied french in school if that counts?
15. Do you have any siblings? I have 1 sister between my mum and step-dad and 2 sisters between my dad and his ex. My step-dad also has 2 children which I count as brothers and sisters.
16. What’s your favourite store? My favourite shops are definetely either Primark or New Look.
17. Favourite Restaurant? definitely Frankie&Benny’s
18. Did you like school? I loved school, probably at the time I didn’t but I miss it soo much now.
20. Favourite Movie? I have recently watched Stephen Hawking – Theory of Everything this definetely is my favourite film right now but old films I have to say ELF, Hocus Pocus and Shrek.
21. Favourite Tv show? Ibiza Weekender, my fav.
22. Pc or Mac? PC im too poor to afford a Mac.
23. What phone do you have? I have a IPhone 5, Don’t get one the battery is terrible they have been discontinued for a reason 😉
24. How tall are you? I am not 100% Sure but it is between 5ft 1″ and 5ft 2″.
13 Personal Questions:
1. What do you order at Starbucks? Not going to lie, I have never ordered anything at Starbucks.
2. One thing in your closet you cannot live without? So last year but leggings, I love them, they are too comfy.
3. What’s one thing most people probably don’t know about you? I have 7 Piercings?.
4. Name one thing you want to do before you die…I Would LOVE to go to New York.
5. What’s one food you cannot live without? Cheese, Definitely Cheese.
6. What quote/phrase do you live by? YOLO. no i’m only joking, I just take one day at a time. I do not really live by any quotes.
7. What’s your most listened to song on iTunes? I do not have a clue I will go and check now.. and the verdict is ‘Hold Back The River’ by James Bay.
8. What kind of style would you define yourself as having? I do not really have a style, if anything my style is quite lame, I need some money so I can buy some new clothes and ‘get with it’ har har.
9. Favourite number? 4 a nice and even number.
10. Two Hobbies? Spending Money & Going out with friends.
11. Two Pet Peeves? Heavy breathers (even though I am one) and Bitchy People.
12. Guilty Pleasures? I do not really have a guilty pleasure unless Stevi Richie counts? 😉
I Hope you enjoyed reading my TAG.

One Comment
Rachel Simons
haha heavy breathers, I almost fell off my chair when I read that. xx
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