• This or That TAG | WithLoveTiff♄

      Today I am going to be doing a new tag that I found called ‘This or That’ Tag. Here are the questions. Makeup: blush or bronzer – Bronzer. lip gloss or lipstick – Lipstick. eye liner or mascara – Mascara. foundation or concealer – Foundation. neutral or color eye shadow – Neutral. pressed or loose eye shadows – Pressed. brushes or sponges – Brushes. Nails: OPI or china glaze – OPI. Long or short – Long. Acrylic or natural – Acrylic. Brights or darks – Bright. Flower or no flower – No flower. Body: perfume or body splash – Perfume. lotion or body butter – Body Butter. body wash…

  • ‘Would You Rather’ 2 TAG | WithLoveTiff♄

    Im back with my second ‘Would you Rather’ Tag. Would you rather walk around all day with you skirt tucked in your underwear or be seen wearing a really see through dress? Really see through dress. Would you rather go to a party and not realize until the end of the night that you have lipstick on your teeth or that your fake lashes are coming unglued? Lipstick on teeth. Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face? Blush. Would you rather wear lipstick/lipliner combo or frosty blue eyeshadow? Lipstick/Lipliner Combo. Would you rather wear foundation that is two…

  • #72 Questions | WithLoveTiff

    Good Afternoon, I am doing #72Questions post for you. If you read my blog you would know I add questions and tags every monday for you to get to know me a little bit better! I saw this one floating about and I have seen this on many blogs that I have been browsing so here we go some more questions for you to learn a bit more about me! 🙂 1. What’s your favourite movie? I have a load of movies that I absolutely ADORE but I recently went to see ‘The Theory of Everything’ in the cinema, Which is the ‘Stephen Hawking’ Film, I LOVE it! It is…

  • 20 Questions TAG | WithLoveTiff♄

      I am back again with another tag, and this time it is the ‘ 20 questions tag’. ENJOY. 1.Thing you cannot leave the house without? IPhone. 2.Favorite brand of makeup? MUA. 3.Favorite Flowers? Roses. 4.Fav clothing stores? Primark or Newlook. 5.Fav perfume? Joey Essex Perfume. 6.Heels or flats? Flats 7.Do you make good grades? Hm Sometimes. 8.Fav colors? Pink and Turquoise.   9.Do you drink energy drinks? Yes sometimes. 10.Do you drink juice? Yes, I drink cranberry juice & orange. 11.Do you like swimming? Yes, but i can not swim very well. 12.Do you eat fries with a fork? Sometimes. 13.Whats your fav moisturizer? Simple. 14.Do you want to…

  • 99 Questions + 1 Bonus TAG | WithLoveTiff♄

    Hi Everyone, This is my 3rd, I think? tag. I made sure it was a long one to make up from last week as last weeks was very short. BONUS JONAS QUESTION: something that happened to you in middle school I can’t remember if it was in middle school or upper school but I sat in chewing gum and it got stuck in my trousers and my friend tried to help me get it off with scissors and wetting it but it just wouldn’t come off so I ended up getting stuck to chairs and holding the back of my trousers all day because it was first lesson and to…