From Day 10 – Day 18 | 365 Project
Day 10 – Day 10 Was a very relaxed day and i spent the day at my nans with her dog. I often stay at her’s so meet her dog Candi, Who Is 5 Years Old and is my dog Peppa’s Sister, Aww, I couldn’t pick a picture so I thought Id Put all 3 on here to show you all. Day 11 – Day 11 was very relaxed day I spent the day working my way through the ‘Him & Her’ Series. I have watched all the series before but I saw them on Netflix and really wanted to re-watch them all. So that is what I did,…
Laptop | Day 9 | 365 Project
All Morning I have been planning blog posts, writing blog posts, publishing blog posts and sorting out my laptop. I have been very constructive this morning and hopefully it will bring more of you to my blog.
Exams | Day 8 | 365 Project
The 7th and 8th of January have been really busy. I am a Health and Social Care Student. I have been revising for my Exams I had a exam today and I have one on Monday too. So I have been trying to find Past papers for my exam and have been revising.
IPhone | Day 7 | 365 Project
So today I went to college but I didn’t manage to get a photo whilst I was there. In town I was waiting at my bus stop and I turned my 3G on, 3G usually works in town, all it did was coming up with error messages always ‘Can’t Activate Mobile Network’ I was really confused so I went home and went on Vodafone website and spoke to someone on Live Chat I was waiting for 40 minutes to speak to someone. When finally I got through I told them about my problem and they rang me, I got passed from one person to a Tech person. The tech…
Nothing | Day 6 | 365 Project
So today I had nothing planned what so ever. It was more of a chill and relaxing day before going back to college and revising. So here is probably the only day of doing nothing.
Small Primark Haul
Good Afternoon, First off, I would just like to apologize for the lack of posts recently and I will push myself to start posting again to make my blog more interesting. again, I am back with ANOTHER haul. I didn’t buy too much this time and it was a very quick shop but I still managed to get some bargains. The First thing I got was a pair of black jeans, I have been looking for some black jeans for ages that fit me properly and fits my legs aswell and I managed to find some in Primark for £10 which was a bargain considering I was looking for some…