Transform Infographic | WithLoveTiff♥
For Transform’s 40th Birthday, They decided to look back on the ‘history’ of brows, if you like and how they have changed. Personally I think eyebrows create the face and define the face also. Some people have big bold brows and some people have thin skinny eyebrows and the shape of your eyebrows and alter the face. Transform undertake eyebrow transplants so if you want to take a look, click here. The infographic shows the difference in eyebrows over the years, It goes from the 70’s Dolly Parton, Which were natural but with balls at the beginning. Going into the 80’s It was Madonna and they were full,…
Challenge | WithLoveTiff♥
This morning I have been doing a lot of research and planning into trying to make my blog more interesting without just writing reviews. I have found 2 challenges which I am going to be taking part in, one of them will be up every Friday and the other will be up every Tuesday. I have written a daily schedule on what I would like to get done every day of the week. They are as follows; ♥Monday’s – Tags – Just so you get to know a little bit more about me and I actually have written a Tag for each Monday up until the middle of April, I…
About Me TAG | WithLoveTiff♥
I see many tags on YouTube video’s and I know they are not exactly for a blog but I saw this on another blog and I thought I would answer the questions so you can learn a little bit more about me and who I am. From now I have decided every Monday I will upload a tag post which is just me answering questions. 1.Do you have a middle name? Yes I do it is Rebekah. 2. What was your favourite subject in school? My favourite subject in must have been either Media Studies Or ICT, they were just a plain laugh. 3. What’s your favourite drink? Fizzy drink…
MiracleSuit Swimwear Review | WithLoveTiff♥
Today I thought I would do something a little bit different. A little bit out of my comfort zone. A Couple of weeks ago I got offered the chance to review a Miraclesuit, I received it in the post and I was really nervous about taking the pictures for my blog and for all of you to see as I do not have the perfect body and at times I am very self conscious. After trying it on I decided to take some pictures so I could get it up on my blog. I actually LOVE this swimming costume. Miraclesuit claim to ‘look 10lb lighter in 10 seconds’ This I…
Cosmetic Collection | WithLoveTiff♥
It has been requested for a long time and now I have finally got round to do a Cosmetic Collection . I pretty much have the smallest make-up collection on earth for a blogger but hopefully I will be able to expand my make-up collection throughout the year and there will be plenty updates I am sure. A couple of weeks ago I invested in a small Vanity Box, I bought it from Ebay. To be absolutely honest I thought it was going to be bigger BUT saying that it is just about big enough to fit in all of my make-up (which is not really a lot to be…
Day 49 | 365 Project | WithLoveTiff♥
I have not got up to much today to be honest, I have been picturing my Makeup for a post that is going up 9.00am tomorrow and my day started in an arguement so not good really, It has half been sorted out though and I have cut down and I have had 2 cigarettes today this thing is a life saver.