This Months Favourites!
Wahooo!, So finally I have decided to start doing month by month favourites and I am extremely excited to be writing this post. So lets go! As Its finally December the month of Christmas (wohooooooo!!) and November has come and gone. I have decided that for all you lovely’s out there that I would share with you my November favourites. ♥Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation So first off being winter you will always need some sort of coverage through out the cold months of december (brr) I absolutely love this foundation. It is my favourite. I have had this foundation for quite a while now as you probably saw it was in my…
My Top 4 DIY Cute Little Christmas Gifts.
To get in the mood for Christmas. I thought I’d write a post on my own top 4 cute Christmas gifts. I found all my inspiration on pintrest and it took me a while to choose the best ones because they’re loads to choose from. Number 1 is not so much a present but it is a card. I think it is a fantastic idea, using each one of your family’s thumbs or fingers to make a print and make a reindeer out of it how cute is it though? all you need is: ♥ Paper/Card ♥ Black Pen ♥ Brown Paint ♥ Red Pen/Red bead Number 2 is this…
So, recently as you can probably see I have not been blogging. I have been so busy but not to worry I won’t be giving you my excuses because I would like to skip to the interesting and important part of this post. As of January I will now be making ‘YouTube’ Video, eek how exciting! Not only that I have a whole list on what I can blog about until then. Keep your eyes peeled because it is going to be one interested end to the year! #ImBack!!! With Love Tiff ♥
Zero Alternative By Luca Pesero
Title: Zero Alternative Author: Luca Pesaro Genre: Conspiracy/Action /Thriller Expected Publication Date : April 25, 2014 Synopsis: “Sometimes you must destroy first.” To stay alive, Scott Walker must bring down a corrupt international bank. And possibly shatter the world’s economy. Because finance is a black hole ready to chew up countries and people before spitting them out rich, or broken. Or both. Framed. Hunted. In love with a woman he can’t trust. As he hides from hitmen across Europe, Walker has only one card to play – DeepShare. A silicon oracle that could predict a slice of the future, and that everyone wants. Governments and insane billionaires, criminals and anarchist hackers stand in…
Love Edy By Shewanda Pugh
Love Edy Book Tour July 12th – July 27th Title: Love Edy Author: Shewanda Pugh Genre: Contemporary Romance Publisher: Razor’s Edge (June 24, 2014) Buy Link: Amazon Goodreads Synopsis: When Edy Phelps falls hard for her best friend, she knows nothing can come from it. Forget actual chemistry, or the fact that she cherishes his mother more than her own; centuries of tradition say that Hassan will grow up, marry the girl his parents pick, and forget his best friend: the dancer with the bursting smile. Except he can’t. In a world erupting with possibilities for the boy with a body of steel and dreams of the NFL, everything seems promised…
My Very Long LARGE Shopping Haul
As some of you may know It was in fact my birthday last month. Being one of my first hauls on my blog I wanted to be quite a big one. From the day of my birthday up until a couple of days ago I have been shopping, I had a budget which right now I cannot tell you as I’m not entirely sure but I shall write how much I spent right at the bottom of the page. One of the first shops I went to was Office,I already knew what I wanted to get out of there as I had been ‘On-line Shopping’ a couple of weeks…