• AD | Femme Luxe Clothing Review (Part 7)

    As you all know I have been working alongside Femme Luxe for quite a while now.  I had a short break from working with them due to a lot of different things but I am getting back into the swing of things now! I have always found it really difficult to find clothing to suit me and especially with adjusting to my new body. Once again I’ve gone completely out of my comfort zone and these items are pieces of clothing I never would have worn before.    The first item I chose was ‘Black High Waisted PU Skinny Trousers – Skylar’  Stay on trend this season and score some…

  • AD| KatchMe Clothing Review

    I was absolutely over the moon when Katch Me got in touch with me asking if I would like to try some of their clothing in exchange for an HONEST review here on my blog. I had a rummage through their website and I could not believe that I had never seen it before or come across it.  Katch Me is an online fashion retailer who stocks a full range of on-trend and stylish clothing for great prices.  One thing I’ve found with some online fashion retailers is that it looks absolutely great on the model and in the photos but what you receive is totally different to how you…

  • 10 Petite Fashion Mistakes And Their Solution

    There is nothing wrong in being short. You don’t have to feel bad about that. But, trying to wear dresses that tall girls do is something you must avoid doing. As petite girls, you can try out most of the dresses out there in the fashion world. Still, there are some that will not look good on you and so you must make sure to avoid them.

  • Very Small Haul

    Im back once again with another haul and I also have one to upload tomorrow which is exciting. Most of these items came from New Look. So lets get started. I had been searching for some new clothes for a while it always seems to happen to me ill sit down and find a hole in my leggings, thinking where did that come from?, and then ill do the washing to find out that ive either put on weight or shrunk my top, #GIRLPROBLEMS so anyway, I went shopping on my own in my little town. First I went to New Look and saw there was a sale so I was…