20 Questions TAG | WithLoveTiff♥
I am back again with another tag, and this time it is the ‘ 20 questions tag’. ENJOY. 1.Thing you cannot leave the house without? IPhone. 2.Favorite brand of makeup? MUA. 3.Favorite Flowers? Roses. 4.Fav clothing stores? Primark or Newlook. 5.Fav perfume? Joey Essex Perfume. 6.Heels or flats? Flats 7.Do you make good grades? Hm Sometimes. 8.Fav colors? Pink and Turquoise. 9.Do you drink energy drinks? Yes sometimes. 10.Do you drink juice? Yes, I drink cranberry juice & orange. 11.Do you like swimming? Yes, but i can not swim very well. 12.Do you eat fries with a fork? Sometimes. 13.Whats your fav moisturizer? Simple. 14.Do you want to…
99 Questions + 1 Bonus TAG | WithLoveTiff♥
Hi Everyone, This is my 3rd, I think? tag. I made sure it was a long one to make up from last week as last weeks was very short. BONUS JONAS QUESTION: something that happened to you in middle school I can’t remember if it was in middle school or upper school but I sat in chewing gum and it got stuck in my trousers and my friend tried to help me get it off with scissors and wetting it but it just wouldn’t come off so I ended up getting stuck to chairs and holding the back of my trousers all day because it was first lesson and to…
Bella&Bear Paddle Bear Brush Review | WithLoveTiff♥
I had the opportunity to review ‘The Bear Brush’ by Bella and Bear. Whilst I was waiting to receive it I did my research to see what it was all about. I can tell you now that I shouldn’t have done my research as all I heard was excellent reviews. I am not saying that it was bad hearing excellent reviews but I was so impatient waiting for it. Knowing that I had read so many good reviews I could not wait to receive it and I was way too excited. When I had finally received this brush I eagerly opened the package. The box it was standing it was…
‘Would you Rather’ Beauty TAG | WithLoveTiff♥
This is a quick ‘Would you rather’ Beauty Tag, it only has 10 questions, I have 2 things to choose from which I would prefer. 1.Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up or Nice hair and no make-up? Nice hair and no make-up definitely by far. 2.Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out? Shave my eyebrows because I can draw them back on. 3.Would you rather be forced to shop at only MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life? MAC so much too choose from, someone force me but only if I have money;) 4.Would you rather wear lipgloss/lipliner…
Written On Her Heart – Paige Rion Book Review | WithLoveTiff♥
Title: Written On Her Heart Author: Paige Rion Genre: Romance Ebook: 263 Pages About The Author Paige Rion is a contemporary romance author. She’s a mother, wife, blogger, hopeless chocoholic, coffee-addicted, wine-lover. Her debut, novel–a new adult romance–Written On Her Heart, is the first in the Callaway Cove series. She is also the author of the new adult romance serial, Claiming Callie. The fourth and final installment of Claiming Callie is due out in October, followed by the release of the second Callaway Cove novel. She loves connecting with readers on her blog and social media. Synopsis Andi Callaway has dreamed of becoming a published author her entire…
40 Beauty Questions TAG | WithLoveTiff♥
Here I am with my 2nd tag this one is 40 beauty questions; SKINCARE -How many times do you wash your face daily? Twice, sometimes once. -What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo) I would say combo. -What is your current facial wash? My current facial wash is one by Simple. -Do you exfoliate? Sometimes . -What brand do you use? I can’t remember, I shall go check. -What moisturizer do you use? Nivea or Simple -Do you have freckles? No. -Do you use eye cream? Sometimes, that is also Simple. -Do you or did you have acne prone skin? No, I usually get 1 or 2 spots but I…